Battle of In & Out

Control or efficiency?

Sorry to come out straight like that, but that is pretty much the question that stands in our way most of the times in the face of growth. What seems safer (control) may not always be the best (efficient).

The same question is faced by every business for HR. In-house or outsource?

Looks like an easy one, right? Definitely, in-house –

(a) it will be cost-effective;

(b) we will have more control of their operation;

(c) what happens in the office, stays in office.

Surely, we would happily agree, only if it was all that simple! Only if you were not dealing with humans but machines, if more control meant better management and efficiency. A straight line, without any bends and curves. A beautiful dream, but not true.

Just a peek into the reality shows us the possibilities of a situation when in-house resource absconds or quits. It’s complete chaos, not just because you lost a department, but because you lost a part of your own company. Or let’s not go that far, what if the in-house team doesn’t complete the work assigned? They are in-house, so any and every responsibility from performance to well-being is yours. Will you be auditing all documents every month?

This is where we would like to shed some reasonable light onto a dark misconception about outsourcing HR. Most importantly, at 7sHR –

(a) your data remains with you. Nothing will leak no matter what.

(b) it is audited by a senior resource from 7shR each month. This means you are not dependent on having a resource yourself and work doesn’t suffer even if they quit.

(c) you get strategy support too and do not have to spend time training your inhouse resource yourself.

Not just that but outsourcing HR with 7sHR means you don’t have to pay a year-round salary for things like training and recruitment which happen a few times in a year on need-basis. Our various packages mean you can customize our service the way it suits your company. Finally, our highly professional team comes in with the experience of years of working with different types of workforces. This essentially means that your company is in the best hands possible.

Let do it once again! Shall we?

Control or efficiency? Be honest!

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