Human Resources Customization

Ever heard of Human Resources Customization! I’m sure you’ve not and that is because this is not a term or a feature that you usually look at while buying a product.

Customization in the day and time is what keeps the sale of a product or service going. But let me tell you no matter how well a designer assembles a product or how well a programerbuilts a software, these can not reach the ultimate point of the utmost use of the feature of ‘customization’ and that is exactly why there are always *conditions applied.

In the case of humans, however, there are almost never these exceptional cases that one would see or even expect for that mater. Humans are the most personalize resource of all time and so they can not be termed under just products or services.

Currently, I am responsible for handling 3 organizations at the same time. As much as I am privileged to be working with a bunch of brilliant leaders who are incredibly farsighted at the same time I have realized that each of them who have been so fortunate to step closer to their larger goals every second but they all have not necessarily taken the same path. And this is where my skill of customization needs a spot-light.

Well, as much as each organization has different business models, in the same way, there are other softer aspects that are distinct and unique at the same time. The culture, demography, ideology, vision or values of each organization are different and I do not only want to sound politically correct but all of these still stand true even after all the dissimilarities.

Let me now walk you through what role do I play towards been ‘the one’ that each organization desires to have. The human resource has to create a working space for each which is subject to the principles that the founder walks with. We need to hire a team member that could fit the culture, we are required to set policies that are subject to the organization’s dynamics. We need to handle grievances very sensitively keeping in mind the other side of each coin. We want to bridge the gap between the leaders and the followers. Having structures and processes in place that would promote the vision. All of this without jeopardizing the core values of the organization. And above all, we are also accountable to practice what we preach.

Now, why do I say that a person representing the human resource is customized is because I am playing the role of the representative for 3 different organizations but all stand independent and unconventional from one another. I function for what is best for the organization as a whole but the same may not work for another organization. I am walking towards specializing to be a Human Resource Business Partner who is personalized for an organization and I think in today’s age one would not just hire a Human Resource but would subscribe to it.

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