Let’s keep it simple and short

If you can’t explain it simply, You don’t understand it well enough

~Albert Einstein

Everything starts with communication. It is oxygen for relationships. You communicate to explain, express, encourage, motivate, and inspire. But, do we often misinterpret effective communication?

This got me thinking if the first rule of communication were to make it simple, then when did we start making it so complex?

we always try to do effective communication at the workplace with complexity. The more nuanced the message and filled with jargon, the more sophisticated themessenger. we often try to impress by flaunting our vocabulary and language proficiency, when, In fact, I think we should be focusing on delivering an impressive message. In today’s busy world, people expect a short and simple message which gives a clear picture of the topic which is going on.

In business, effective communication is the prime thing that we focus on. Whether we are communicating with customers or employees, I think simplicity is key. While presenting in a meeting, have you ever felt that you are addressing an empty room — your words are very clear and you are very confident enough to talk about the topic
as soon as people arrive in meeting room we start stammering we feel nervous and underconfident,It’s because people who are sitting in front of us they are our manager, customer, or people to whom we are trying to impress and suddenly we try to use tough words or again we try to use different jargons or vocabulary just to impress the opposite person, Because of which we end up doing some goof-up while presenting

Instead of doing this why can’t we just be ourself and try to impress our customer, Managers, Employees just being ourself and making them understand the topic in a short, simple and in a relevant way. Which is easy to understand to both the parties.

From now “let’s try to be our self and keep our word short and simple”
And let’s remember golden rules to impress another person by our communication

  • Less is More
  • Keep it relevant
  • And K.I.S.S(Keep it simple and short)

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